an introduction to the series with ciaran rogers and daniel rowles. in this first episode, daniel and ciaran talk about social media and how you can use some simple, free / cost effective tools to monitor your brand online. enables you to monitor twitter and google buzz together with facebook and youtube videos plus a range of blogs and realtime websites. google’s great rss feed reader and aggregator googles email alert service
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in this episode ciaran and daniel rowles dive deep into the most exciting new tools from ai-powered social media automation to seo optimisation and content enhancement tools.
it’s hard to know where to start with running highly effective social media influencer marketing. everyone talks about it, but few have successfully nailed it repeatedly and reaped the rewards
evaluate the capabilities of chatgpt, deepseek, and google’s gemini - expert takes on where these tools excel, where they stumble, and how you can leverage them in your digital marketing strategy.