how to create pre-written tweet buttons and links

social media tools & trends article
20 mins

one of the quickest and most successful things i did when we created a web page for my latest book, was to add a button that allowed people to click on it a then post a pre-written tweet. it makes it really easy for people to tweet what you want and removes the barrier of effort that’s normally required.

here’s an example pre-written tweet button followed by the step by step instructions:


example button

first write your tweet. twitter is obvioulsy an easy place to do it as it wil count down the 280 character limit for you using the ittle blue circle to the right of your tweet. now copy out your tweet to your clipboard (select the text with your mouse, right click and select ‘copy’)


pre-written tweet example


next you need to encode this tweet so its ‘url friendly’ (this basically means the spaces and some other characters are replaced). go to and paste in your tweet. then click on ‘encode’ and copy the resulting text to your clipboard.


after encoding:


now you just need to add the following text to the beginning of the encoded text:

so this:



last step – you now just need to link to this long url that you have created. you can do this on a normal text link or on an image to create a button. here is an example link and you can see the code below:

<a href=”….′</a>

a great little tip is to paste this long url into a url shortner (my favourite is and the you can include the pre-written tweet in a tweet or use the shortened url anywhere else.  test it out and be sure to share it with your followers on twitter! enjoy.



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