daniel and ciaran are back to kick off 2022 with a fresh look at planning and priorities. for the first time, we recorded this episode on video so those of you who want to watch it - now can!
daniel shares his ongoing vision of creation before curation. we explore setting some effective and smart goals and objectives for your year ahead. we also explore some of the new technologies marketers need to understand. we also have quite a heated debate on cookies and the web's reliance on them.
also under discussion on crypto and nfc’s, daniel rails against ciaran multiple times to convince him that nfc’s are hugely important but in the end, comes to the conclusion he may be banging his head against a brick wall on that front.
finally, we wrap up with some sources of inspiration for looking at your work differently. daniel shares with us his appreciation of agile marketing management, okr’s, project oxygen. dig into the resources he shares and invigorate your year ahead with some fresh perspective.
useful links
daniel’s strategy statement apple example
a- what you’ll do
b- what it will be focussed on
c- what it will achieve
d- what the market impact will be
apple will launch a full communications assault (a) to challenge the pc/microsoft windows dominant position (b) by finding flaws in the pc to contrast with mac computers’ simplicity (c) to steal significant market share by enticing frustrated consumers to buy a mac (d).
first used in the november 1981 issue of management review by george t. doran in an article entitled “there’s a s.m.a.r.t. way to write management’s goals and objectives”.
see how much this has been pulled around by different marketers
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join us for our latest podcast episode where we talk about the state of digital skills across analytics and data, usability, content marketing, digital strategy and more.
the more video content that surfaces the harder it is to get your content to stand out from the crowd. in this episode of the digital marketing podcast, daniel, ciaran and louise discuss different elements that contribute towards running an effective youtube channel.
evaluate the capabilities of chatgpt, deepseek, and google’s gemini - expert takes on where these tools excel, where they stumble, and how you can leverage them in your digital marketing strategy.