how to achieve insane levels of social sharing

episode 263 digital marketing podcast

social media tools & trends podcast
20 mins

daniel and ciaran share the last of their yulekit tools. today we share a resource so powerful and useful we dare not actually share its name. used in the right way, this tool really can supercharge your social sharing. the trick as with many things in digital marketing is to make sure that what you are sharing is of excellent quality and useful. ( caution: it won’t work  on content where you are ‘overly sales-y’ or heavily promotional.)

we have been using this tool successfully for the last 18 months, and it’s so good we have been reluctant to share it for fear that too many users might break it as a method. this year alone, it’s helped us to promote 38 different content pieces and achieved over 42 thousand social shares and over 11 thousand clicks to our content across various social networks. best of all it meant our content got seen by 17 million people! `so, you can imagine we thought long and hard about if we should share it and if so how we would share.

as this is our final day of the yulekit podcasting marathon, we settled on sharing the link for those of you who bother with the show notes. yes, that’s you! so go take a peak and scope it out. 

we also share the wayback machine, and some of the useful things it does that can boost your day and your understanding of your marketing results. daniel also shares some hidden gem features of the tool, including audio archives and retro games archive of working emulators with software. if you get some quiet time over the holiday period its a great way to indulge in some retro nostalgia.

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