it’s been 10 years since we launched the digital marketing podcast, so we thought we would reflect on some of the changes in digital marketing and revisit the tools we highlighted in our very first episode a decade ago. as all but one of them are no longer with us, we revisit what 2020 offers marketers looking to achieve the same ends.
in this episode we share 30 of our favourite digital marketing tools and resources we regularly make use of or have recently discovered. discover some great ways to aid your keyword and market research, research influencers, improve your podcast and video editing. monitor social media, blogs, and competitors improve your email marketing and up your analytics game. also under discussion, daniel’s lockdown fitness and the shocking secret to ciaran’s apparent access to the mythical fountain of youth.
we’ve tried to include something for everyone in this special anniversary episode and we hope these gifts from us to all our listeners will be excitedly unwrapped and played with as presents should be on your 10th birthday!
as promised, we are also including a free copy of the digital marketing toolkit. especially updated to go out with this episode, its packed full of even more free goodies and resources with explanations of what each tool does and how it can be used . enjoy.
useful links
twinword ideas older interface
feedly rss reader
inoreader rss reader
advanced google annotations chrome plugin
descript– podcast editor
the podosphere– yes. in case you were wondering… it’s a thing.
podcast marketing strategy book
to celebrate our anniversary we are offering all our listeners a free team digital marketing skills audit for up to 10 people in your team. the audit enables you to benchmark your team’s digital marketing knowledge against others in the marketing industry. find out more about our benchmark skills assessment and get your free audit here: //
have a can’t live without tool or tip you think we should take a look at? please get in touch. as always, we welcome your feedback and comments and we always love it when listeners get in touch so what are you waiting for? //
listen, subscribe or get in contact
in this episode ciaran and daniel rowles dive deep into the most exciting new tools from ai-powered social media automation to seo optimisation and content enhancement tools.
evaluate the capabilities of chatgpt, deepseek, and google’s gemini - expert takes on where these tools excel, where they stumble, and how you can leverage them in your digital marketing strategy.