celebrating 9 years of our podcast

episode 215 digital marketing podcast

tools & trends podcast
20 mins

this week we are celebrating the ninth year of the digital marketing podcast. we take a look at a couple of news events in the news this week nine years ago and to celebrate with you all we invite you to try out a whole suite of useful tips and tools to give presents to everyone. there are some games to play, ( pac man is 39 years old this week so happy birthday to him- check the link below to play) some face changing video apps plus we explore some inspirational sources for display advertising, security tools, and some new search optimisation tips and tools for good measure.

ciaran also shares the somewhat misguided experiment he ran recently which proved daniels dog ‘eddie the beagle’ does in fact look more competent, likeable and influential than ciaran’s social media mug shot. we also announce the winners of our book draw from our recent book launch episode.

this week, as part of our birthday celebrations we are inviting you all to leave us a review either on itunes or stitcher if you haven’t done so already. tell us your thoughts on the show, what you enjoy, and let us know how long you have been listening.

enjoyed the show? why not send us a present by..

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useful links

play the google doodle packman

google natural language api demo

semrush seo writing tool demo

web page test.org

google’s rich media gallery

adespresso ad examples

moat- brand advertising intelligence


have i been pawned

wordfence- wordpress security

one password

mug life

my talking pet app
my talking pet ios
my talking pet android

caroline at imbue marketing

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