how well integrated are your email programmes with the rest of your marketing communications? in this episode, ciaran talks to philip storey from enchant about email marketing and what marketers can do to further automate, customise and supercharge results from your email communications.
enchant is a specialist email marketing, crm and marketing automation agency founded by philip storey in 2014. they specialise in helping marketers to access expert guidance and achieve maximum return on investment from crm, email and marketing automation.
we explore with philip how email can be fully utilised at all the stages of the customer lifecycle. so many marketers focus on acquisition to the sale but miss opportunities post-conversion. discover some of the lost opportunities post-conversion that your email programme may be lacking.
philip also explores effective systems integration which is a big barrier holding back a lot of marketers email programmes. your email service provider is not a crm system but how many brands still use their email marketing service like a mini crm?
we also explore philip’s top tips on how to leverage on valuable data most marketers have which they are not making full use of yet. listen in and gather some ideas to supercharge what is, most likely, already your best communication channel for even more success in 2018.
useful links
enchant agency
fresh relevance – an omnichannel personalisation platform
autopilot– email automation tool
hubspot – essential b2b crm and communication integration
taxi for email – solve your email coding headaches and get on with marketing.
other resources from enchant
take a look at their secret email marketing strategies from top retailers download for some great email success case studies
also, take a look at the wealth of free email marketing crm and automation resources enchant provide on their website.
download episode 174
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