daniel and ciaran are back this week with some of the latest digital trend updates. under discussion are the new snapchat location update and the geo-sharing privacy issues it highlights, as well as snapchat streaks which is gamifying the use of the platform. daniel also takes a look at the trend of stories migrating everywhere and making narrative journeys more interesting with stories now available in instagram and facebook. we also discuss some of the recent changes in google analytics reporting updates with the new homepage summary data visualisation insights and intelligent reports allowing you to ask natural language questions which trigger custom reports.
also under discussion is the trend to adopt faster mobile website technology and how your organisations structure impacts on your overall digital results. is your organisation structurally set up for omni-channel measurement and success? are you ready to move beyond the omni-channel experience?
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in this episode, daniel, ciaran and louise kickstart their new monthly news digests, where they will be rounding up all of the latest digital marketing news and bringing it to you all in one place, to ensure that you are kept up-to-date.
in this episode ciaran and daniel rowles dive deep into the most exciting new tools from ai-powered social media automation to seo optimisation and content enhancement tools.
evaluate the capabilities of chatgpt, deepseek, and google’s gemini - expert takes on where these tools excel, where they stumble, and how you can leverage them in your digital marketing strategy.