matthews on marketing interview

episode 131 digital marketing podcast

digital strategy podcast
20 mins

ciaran talks to us marketing author tim matthews about traditional marketing and its links and reach which goes deep into today’s digital marketing mix. we also talk about tim’s brilliant book (and no we don’t say that lightly- it really is a very good read) “the professional marketer” which is a custom written guide for anyone who finds themselves working in a marketing role who hasn’t had the benefit of studying marketing theory and fundamentals. get up to speed on developments, techniques and the giants of marketing thinking from the last 150 years while also skilling yourself up with all the essential marketing skills concepts and techniques you hear others talk about which you’ve never really understood. raise your game and go get yourself a copy.

resources mentioned:-

conversion xl

every david ogilvy book ever written
uk –
us –

being direct – lester wonderman

crazy egg – website heatmaps

hot jar

the professional marketer – tim matthews

matthews on marketing blog

download episode 131


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