one of the biggest turn-offs for online shoppers is inadequate detail on the product or service offered. there’s a gulf between the experience of viewing product photography online and the far more intimate and tactile experience of viewing or testing the same product in-store. it’s the e-tailer’s job to help narrow that gulf, and perhaps the most effective means of doing so is through the use of 360 images.
360 photography helps bridge the gap between traditional and digital shopping experiences. it’s an incredibly powerful tool for digital marketers who are aiming to present their products in a more enticing manner.
there are several varieties of 360 imaging in use in digital marketing today. we’re going to focus on two of the most commonly employed: 360 product photography and 360 viewpoint photography.
360 product imaging along a single axis (i.e. showing every side of the item along a horizontal axis, but not vertically) simply requires the photographing of a product multiple times as it turns through a 360 degree rotation. this is achieved by placing the product on a slowly revolving turntable with a white surface, against a white background, and setting up a high quality digital camera on a tripod to capture photographs of the product as it revolves. to create the desired effect, the camera will need to capture 20-30 frames per revolution – the more frames, the smoother the end result. if you own a decent camera and a record player, you can test the basic principle at home (bear in mind that the images created almost certainly won’t be of adequate quality to use professionally!)
once product images have been created and edited, they can be digitally composed into an interactive display, often allowing the viewer to rotate their view of the item by dragging left or right. the end result is a more satisfactory experience of the product.
top tips
360 virtual tours are an excellent way to offer a window onto your business for prospective customers. all manner of service businesses and attractions use virtual tours, from hotels and gyms to theme parks and restaurants.
360 viewpoint images are sometimes created using omni-directional cameras (also known as spherical cameras), which capture a 360 image around the horizontal plane of vision. the same effect can be achieved using stitched-together images taken using a standard dslr camera, rotated through 360 degrees on a tripod. the techniques involved in creating 360 virtual tour images and using those images to create interactive digital views require specialist knowledge and equipment, so once again, we would recommend hiring in a specialist.
where you can help in this process is in devising the content of the virtual tours. here are some pointers on composing the perfect scene:
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