12 more fab digital marketing tools and a lucky orange

episode 63 digital marketing podcast

ppc seo social media tools & trends podcast
20 mins

episode 63, we are back again with another round-up of our favourite digital marketing tools and juicy orange-y nuggets that we have uncovered on our travels. we hope to have something for everyone in this latest round-up of digital marketing tools covering everything from advanced analytics to social media management, mobile website and email marketing. we also take a look at some great productivity and organizational tools and have thrown in a lucky orange for good measure… blimey… it could almost be christmas…. give them all a go…

lucky orange- see hour your visitors actually use your website

wire node – build a mobile version of your website.

live fyre– blog commenting and social network sharing tool

conversocial- deliver great customer service on facebook and twitter

sg plus– put all your social networks in one place one

google inside search– get information on google’s newest search features and learn tips from basic to advanced.

email on acid– preview your email in 48 variations of the most popular email clients and mobile devices

clearly ( evernote) web extension-clearly makes blog posts, articles and webpages clean and easy to read. save them to evernote to read them anywhere.

astrid– astrid to-do: personal organization + group collaboration

things- simple task management for the web

xmind – which they describe as “ the world’s coolest brainstorming and mind mapping software and the best way to share ideas.” check it out and make up your own mind.

ibook author– create stunning ibooks textbooks, cookbooks, history books, picture books, and more for ipad.

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