advanced generative ai prompting online masterclass

ø advanced generative ai prompting online masterclass

14 mar 2025 09:30 gmt (duration: 3 hours)

ü learn the skills in demand!

most organisations have played with generative ai tools, but few have truly taken advantage of their full potential. this highly practical session will explore how we can improve our effectiveness and efficiency, and create competitive advantage using advanced prompts for generative ai. you’ll explore a range of prompt writing techniques and work through a range of common marketing and communications tasks step-by-step, allowing you to automate and assist your day to day tasks.

join us for this generative ai prompting masterclass and get a competitive ü advantage by using advanced generative ai prompts and ¥ improve your effectiveness and efficiency.

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î your trainer

é daniel rowles

ceo & lead trainer

daniel oversees the strategy and direction of the business. he is also the host of the digital marketing podcast, programme director at imperial college london and an award-winning author with books in 12 languages. daniel has been working in digital marketing and digital transformation for 23 years, and brings experience working both client side and within the agency environment. read daniel's bio

î consultative training

our trainers have extensive experience delivering real-world campaigns for many of the world’s leading brands. this means you are not just attending a training course but will get customised consultative insights and experience throughout the day, with suggested solutions o your individual challenges.

we pride ourselves on delivering training that is fully consultative and outputs plans that can be implemented in the real-world. all of our courses include workshop activities that generate content and plans to help you achieve your business objectives.

join us for this generative ai prompting masterclass and get a competitive ü advantage by using advanced generative ai prompts and ¥ improve your effectiveness and efficiency.

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ø team bookings

for team bookings, or any other enquiries, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you.

“daniel’s ¥ first class training helped underpin significant year-on-year revenue uplift within pearson uk’s team. ø new techniques learned around digital marketing and lead nurturing allowed the team to improve its efficiency, customer relevance and ultimately î generate more marketing qualified leads. it also contributed to the team’s motivation, and sharing of ideas and gave them real perspective on what î best practice looks like in b2b marketing.”

jean-michel maltais
interim vp marketing

join us for this generative ai prompting masterclass and get a competitive ü advantage by using advanced generative ai prompts and ¥ improve your effectiveness and efficiency.

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