revisiting 'the 4p's of the marketing mix'

episode 223 digital marketing podcast

marketing theory digital strategy podcast
20 mins

is marketing in your organisation seen as less important than finance, sales, operations or hr? distracted by digital, does your marketing team find itself relegated from the top table of decision-making, focusing purely on marketing communications? 

ciaran talks to mike berry, an author, digital consultant, trainer and academic, about the famous “4p’s of the marketing mix: product, price, place, and promotion.”

we discover that the 4 ps is still as fresh and relevant today as it was when it was devised by e. jerome mccarthy back in 1960. however, and worryingly for marketers, mike argues that responsibility for the full marketing mix has been gradually surrendered, to the detriment of marketing as a profession.

we explore how marketers can learn to harness this essential framework alongside effective data and measurement of performance, and reclaim all the 4p’s, ensuring that marketing can once more truly champion the customer!

in this episode, we revisit this framework as mike (controversially) redefines it as product, price, distribution, and marketing communications. so could 2 ps, a d, and an mc be the new rallying battle cry for marketing? this leads us to an exploration of the story behind mike’s co-authored book: digital marketing fundamentals: from strategy to roi and we hear how mike goes about finding international case studies of great (digital) marketing campaigns we can all learn from.

useful links

digital marketing fundamentals: from strategy to roi

connect with mike on linkedin

more books by mike berry

jerome mccarthy

phillip kotler

download episode 223

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