in this blog we define what a persona is in the context of digital marketing, how they can be used and share some of the best free digital marketing persona resources and links.
a persona is a fictional character that has been developed to characterise the key traits of a particular group of your target audience. this will include things like their motivations, needs, technical skills and other factors that will impact how they may interact with any of your digital marketing.
the objective of developing these personas is so that we can build any of our digital marketing with these different groups in mind, and use the personas to help optimise the user journey at every stage. by asking the questions “does this work for persona x” at every stage of developing our digital marketing we can create a user-focused development process.
below we have brought together what we think are the best resources, links and examples of using digital marketing personas in practice.
hubspot marketing persona building tool
a really useful tool from hubspot that helps you to build out your marketing personas
an introduction to website design personas
this is a great step by step walk through of what personas are and how you can use them in the web design and development process. loads of good examples and guidelines.
personas: the art and science of understanding the person behind the visit
a really great and very detailed guide to using personas in practice with a bit of a seo slant, from the ever-excellent moz blog.
analysing personas using advanced segments
a very accessible (don’t let the title put you off!) article on using google analytics to get great insights for developing personas.
persona based segmentation using web analytics data
again, don’t let the title put you off! a very clear and well-demonstrated approach to using simple web analytics data to help understand the user journey and your personas.
if you're looking for top tips on how to future-proof your digital marketing efforts in a cookieless world, this episode is a must-listen to guide you through everything you need to know.
in this episode ciaran and daniel rowles dive deep into the most exciting new tools from ai-powered social media automation to seo optimisation and content enhancement tools.
evaluate the capabilities of chatgpt, deepseek, and google’s gemini - expert takes on where these tools excel, where they stumble, and how you can leverage them in your digital marketing strategy.